Why God, why? Why did you allow me to wake up at 6:15am this morning and stay awake? My husband is going to pay for announcing that his wedding ring was "GONE" while he was getting ready for work this morning. Ugh. As if that didn't wake me up to aide in the search. Fortunately it was in the pocket of his pajamas pants (I didn't even ask) and that crisis was averted but I was wide awake. Last night before going to bed I got to chat on Facebook with a friend of mine in San Francisco. We said good night because it was time for me to go to bed. At 6:30am when I reached for my iPhone and got on Facebook, she was on and it was still only 9:30pm there! It is so weird to me that I already had a whole night sleep and she was still awake at a decent hour. I hate not having contact with people at home until early afternoon.
So, this post is coming earlier today than it normally would so if you haven't seen the one from yesterday don't forget to go back and read it. It has all the pictures from the weekend excursions. I have had lots of people commenting on Facebook (and I wonder where all my time goes!) that they really enjoy reading my blog. Even people that I would have had zero idea read my blog have been sending sweet messages about it. I've read several blogs before that constantly encourage people to comment on their posts or to become a follower. I have never done a post like that because I know how it goes and I know that I am not always the best commenter on other people's blogs. However, I do try. And now I will shameless ask for people that are reading to comment and/or follow along! I love getting comments and it makes me feel like people are actually reading what I am writing! Those who have blogs will know what I mean! So, thank you to all my regular commenters! I love hearing from y'all and I will try and be better about returning the favor! For new readers, I'd love to hear from y'all too!!
I know I told y'all but I recently made a wedding album on Shutterfly. I wanted to do it on Kodak Gallery but the resolution of my pictures was way too high and it was taking forever to load. It still took forever on Shutterfly but I finally got it done. This book is sort of the "highlights" from the wedding. I can show it to people and they get the IDEA instead of having to look through my professional pictures that contain over 1,000 photos in three different albums. I'm sure my friends will appreciate it! Here is a picture of what the album looks like.Sorry for the glare. I paid extra to have the leather cover on the album but I think if I did it again I would choose a different cover. Not that I don't like it, but I think that one of the other fabric covers might have been cuter and less expensive. The album isn't very formal so the leather isn't necessary. Here are some shots of the inside pages.
I was definitely happy about how it turned out. I would suggest taking advantage of the pictures that take up the whole page. They all turned out really great. Obviously you can't have a whole book with those large photos but they do look great every few pages or so.
I also got our moving cards last week from Vista Print. I ordered 60 of them and thought that they turned out great. They went quickly! I normally wouldn't be able to post this since it would have my home address on it but since we put our APO address on it I don't see the issue. Plus I blocked out other information.I think that the picture I used might have been a little bit too far away and we should have used one that was closer up but it still turned out great. I love Vista Print and I would order anything from them! These cards were only like $35 for 60 of them. That included printing, shipping, and envelopes!
The first picture that I posted really has nothing to do with this post. I just like it and wish that I was back in Costa Rica doing those zip lines again! I think I am about to go workout. Pay off at least 1 day of the lost bet. Plus I have nothing else to do! I had all the laundry done and all of Deaner's shirts ironed by 8:30 this morning! Yuck! I wasn't looking forward to ironing at all because I didn't have any starch. However, I found that if you use Downy Wrinkle Releaser when you iron, it works MIRACLES! I highly suggest it! I know I know, I am so domestic! :)
5 years ago
I absolutely love your wedding book and am so glad I got to see it! The pictures were GREAT.
Oh Deaner, waking you up early for nothing ;)
Silly guy. I'm surprised you didn't find his ring in his shoe with the random change he leaves in there sometimes.
I know! I was thinking about this weekend and completely forgot It's my b-day. I was trying to think of something fun the four of us could do! and realized duh, I'm not going to be here! I guess when you get older birthdays just aren't as exciting!! But I do look forward to the SURPRISE ;)
I made a book similiar to that on Snapfish for Sean and I's first year of marriage. Aren't those books just the best? One of these days when I come visit Germany I'll have to see your book!
Hi I read your blog daily! Very random how I stumbled upon you. My husband grew up with Andrew Underwood so I came to your blog from Merediths! I love it..I read everyday..For those of us who do not know you(think we may have met at wedding??) can you give us a quick history of why in the world you are in Germany..I have put bits and pieces together and see that hubby is in the service, I think?? I have a blog that you are welcome to check out, it is mostly about my crazy son! http://www.offthevine11.blogspot.com/
Keep posting I love reading them. Brooke Shannon
It's good to read that you seem to be adjusting so well. I think jet lag does not help with anyone's mood.
I have never done any of the digital scrapbooks. I am an "old fashioned" scrapbooker, but I can see where it would be neat when you don't have access to all the supplies. Your album looks great as do your moving announcements.
Your book looks really good and the cards too. I love Vista Print also! They are so reasonably priced. Oh, I am glad to see that I made the wedding book too!
I read your blog daily. I think I might have commented once before, I can't remember. I found you because I found your friend in NY Magnolias, Marriage and Manhattan and I found her through Kelly's Korner. Anyway, I love your blog. I noticed another person asked to tell the story over of why your there and I think that would be great. I've put pieces together and know yall are there 3 more years but that's all I know really. Not sure why he got moved there and what he does exactly. I live in the south as well (Alabama) and your posts after you moved made me want to cry for you! I don't know I could do it, I mean I guess I could do anything I had too! Anyway, keep writing, I love it.
I am running out to get some of that Downey Wrinkle Release!! You are so domestic!!! You should have been a Home Ec major - do they still do that??
Looovveee the wedding book!! And the cards are so cute! I am definitely going to have to remember Vista Print when I move this fall! :)
And, thanks so much for the comment you left on my blog today, it really touched me. You are so sweet!
Don't forget the sheets to throw in the dryer.........Can't forget them !
Your wedding book looks awesome!! So glad you did it. We got our thank you note in the mail already too. Good job on getting those out so quickly. I'm enjoying all the pictures and stories. You are doing really well! I read your blog a lot on google reader while I'm feeding Baby J and you can't comment from there. Hope you have a great day today. XOXO
I follow! I comment! Now you have 11 comments :) I think maybe your call for de-lurking just got lost in all the other info. I missed it the first 2 times I read through. Maybe make it a post of its own?
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