Hello to the country club of gyms. And let me clarify, I grew up going to a country club as a kid (and adult if I want to be honest about my mooching) and nothing compares to this. I would like to say a personal thank you to the United States of America Military for providing a facility such as this where lazy asses such as myself should drag themselves every day! Now let me curse you for a minute. How can I possibly tell my husband that I don't feel like working out today in our crummy gym when the GYM LOOKS LIKE THIS??? I am afraid that I am now bound to three years of constant working out with no excuse to get out of it. We thought that our gym at home in Atlanta was pretty great. It was practically in a dungeon but it was close to the condo and it offered a great class schedule. It was a steal at $100 a month for both our memberships. This place has classes that pretty much start every 3 minutes and the best part is........IT IS FREE!! Here are some shots of the rest of the place!
I know, I know. One hardly has an excuse to not be physically fit when they have this place to go everyday. Unfortunately, it doesn't make me want to workout any more than normal!! Which is typically NONE.
Change of subject. In case some of y'all don't know, one of my favorite foods is STEAK. I could eat a good steak at pretty much ANY TIME. Deaner's dad makes a mean filet mignon (my fave) as does my favorite restaurant of all time, Rathbuns. I only have a slight problem here in Germany. The fact that steak is called "Rumpsteak" is a big problem for me. Every time I order I feel like I might as well be saying "I will have your best BUTT STEAK"!!! To make matters worse, it just isn't as good here. I think that once we have our own apartment and grill that we will be able to buy good steak at the commissary but until then, I will be forced to order butt steak for dinner in restaurants. It just doesn't sound okay.
In other news, thanks for all those who entered the giveaway! It will be going on for almost two weeks so definitely leave me a comment on the post beneath this one. Emory has some really cute stuff and the winner will definitely be able to find something cute! Some people seem a little bit confused about being a follower. In order to be a follower you have to click on the "Follow The Blog" button on the right hand side of the page. This is what will earn an extra entry into the giveaway! And people who post anonymously unless you leave all your information, we might have a problem. Which brings me to another topic of my mother-in-law. Whom I love to death. If anyone ever sees a comment on my blog that is from Anonymous and that utilizes AT LEAST 45 or so punctuation marks, that is from my mother-in-law! :) One of these days I will show her how to get a profile name but for now.............If I see 30 periods in a row.........I am nearly certain.......it is her............love you Kathy...........
I'm off to meet Steph and get my hair highlighted!! Woooo-hooooo!! What better way to spend a Friday afternoon! Tonight we are having Mexican and beer night and having dinner at Steph and Jon's house. I can't wait! More later! Don't forget the giveaway!!!
5 years ago
Yeah we have a VERY nice, brand-new gym on base as well...and how many times have I utilized it in the past three years? umm...like 8 maybe? :)
Hi, I ran across your blog. I just thought I would introduce myself.
I agree with the gym, it's AMAZING! That's also one good perk being with someone in the military...free gym!
Yes, it's beautiful and modern.
But, it's still a GYM!!! Yuck
haha ... i agree with your mom! i HATE gyms. Miss you Sayrah ... (and no pun intended on the periods)
HOLY CRAP! I'm so jealous of your gym. Ours is pretty nice, but nowhere near that big!
It's me and I love you too....The gym is great......what fun you will have.......Working out with your husband.....ME
You're so funny........!!!!
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