Friday night Deaner and I met Steph and Jon out at Irish Pub in downtown Wiesbaden. It was a ton of fun and we enjoyed having several beers. We even sat next to a dude wearing an Atlanta Falcons shirt. Who would have thought? Before heading out for the night Deaner and I ate dinner at a German restaurant. He claimed that we had been in Germany for a week and I hadn't let him eat any traditional Germany food yet, so I relented. We ate here...............
and this was my view..........
Sometimes I can't even believe that I eat dinners and look at views like this! We had a lot of fun hanging out with Steph and Jon and here is a picture to prove it!
Deaner and I stumbled home fairly late for us and proceeded to call everyone we know on our Skype account. We talked to all of our family members which was pretty nice. That is the only perk of being 6 hours ahead of home. We can call in the middle of the night and it is still early enough in the States to be normal! :) We caught my parents on the dock of the lake house enjoying the 75 degree weather. Apparently it hasn't stopped raining since we left last week!
When we woke up this morning we decided to venture out to the neighboring town of Mainz. It is only a 15 minute train ride and we figured that it would be good to get out and get some fresh air. I am glad that we went but I am also glad that we are going to be living in Wiesbaden! It is so much nicer! Here is a shot at of the Wiesbaden train station.The train was really easy to do and fast. Granted Mainz is not that far away. Below is a fountain that is in the middle of town. Deaner told me that every year on November 11th (11/11) they kick off the carnival season here at this fountain. The pictures are hard to see but the fountain is made up of faces wearing masks that resemble Mardi Gras masks.
The church in the background was the highlight of the trip to Mainz. St. Martins Cathedral was awesome. Deaner and I got to walk around it and go inside and the coolest part was that an opera singer was practicing with the organist while we were inside. Here are several pictures from all sides of the church.
After we toured the church we walked down to the river and hung out. There was a carnival set up and here is a picture of the ferris wheel.
After our afternoon I was exhausted. Deaner and I came home and I took a nap. Then we went out and ate at the American Sports Bar here in town (I needed a fix on a steak sandwich!). Afterwards we grabbed a beer here....
It was a really cool little pub and I know that we will enjoy going back.
Ok, sorry this post has been so long. It has taken me forever to write! I have more pictures to post tomorrow. My huh moment of the day was as follows: Saw a group of REALLY freaky people at the train station this afternoon with piercings, tats, goth clothes, the whole nine yards. Fine, I would not have freaked out if Deaner has not pointed out that on one of the freak's shoulder there was a RAT running around. Rats might be my #1 most feared rodent on earth so I can't imagine why on earth someone would let something like THAT run around on their body. FREAKS I tell you.
More tomorrow. :)
5 years ago
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