I will never complain about the American Arms Hotel again! This base lodging hotel is not NEARLY as nice as the hotel in Wiesbaden and the hotel in Wiesbaden is no Ritz Carlton! It probably doesn't help that I keep hearing F15's roaring overhead and practically shaking the building to the ground! At least it was sunny when we left Germany this morning because this picture to the left demonstrates how you board a plane for good ole Ryan Air. Right out there on the tarmac! Rain? Snow? Supposedly you are still walking out there to the plane! Good to fly on good weather days I guess. Always remember a raincoat! I was very skeptical of flying Ryan Air because of some of the horror stories I had heard. I should be honest and say that all of these horror stories have come from reading online reviews of the airline. I have come to realize that most satisfied customers don't bother going to the airline website to leave a good comment. It is typically only the disgruntled customers that feel the need to warn the others! The flight was absolutely fine. We were late taking off due to some problem. I swear I heard the pilot say that they overbooked the flight and had to remove one passenger but Deaner swears he heard that there was a passenger who was ill and had to be removed. Either way, we sat on that plane for quite awhile before taking off. Once on the plane it was sort of a free for all. They open up the front and the back of the plane and it is every man for himself! No assigned seating which is sort of a bummer. You have the option of paying an extra 3 euro for priority boarding but we didn't do it for this flight and it was fine. We are booked priority for our trip to Rome on Friday so I will decide then if it is worth it. The plane was clean and I had no complaints there. The seats were a tad small and there wasn't a pouch in front of you to hold your stuff but frankly, who cares? The flights are dirt cheap and you sort of feel like you are in a carnival inside the plane! See below!
So anyways, we made it. Driving on the wrong hand side of the road is really jacked up. I know you must get used to it but I had to fight back the urge to scream a few times while Deaner's boss was driving us to the hotel. NOT a good thing!
I am thinking that tomorrow I will head over to the little travel office they have here and see about taking a bus into London for the day to do some sightseeing. I came to London for about a week a few years back with some girlfriends and we had a blast. Even if I just do something touristy for the day it might be fun. I really wanted to go on the London Eye last time I was here.I dreamed about it at night and was so excited. Of course when we arrived it was closed for the whole MONTH for maintenance! Ugh! Maybe I can make up for that tomorrow. I'd like to do something besides sit in this hotel room!
I'm also really pumped because one of my good friends from growing up told me today that she might be coming to Germany on June 8th!! And staying for a MONTH! It would be like I died and went to heaven! She and her husband have a little baby and currently live in California although her family is originally from Germany. Her grandparents and Aunt are still here and they live in Frankfurt. Only 20 minutes away from us! She also had family in Cologne and Deaner and I would get to head that way with them for a visit as well. I was lucky enough to take my first European vacation with her family when we were 14 years old! The pictures from this event still crack me up. I'm hoping they can confirm those plans soon so I can continue to be this excited! If they came for a month, by the time they leave, it is almost time for me to go home for my sister's wedding! It would make June fly by for sure!
Who LOVES my blog makeover?!?! I do! I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Casey at The Ever Changing Life of a Military Wife for giving my blog this much needed lift. I am thrilled with it! Anyone interested in Casey's services just head over to her blog! I also want to thank Colette for the awesome suggestion of the suit case weigher! That sounds like something I should definitely own! I'm going to look it up tonight!
I have a few more stories up my sleeve but this post is already too long so I better save them. One MIGHT involve Deaner having to file his finger nails! :) I have to go get ready because we are going to a pub for dinner with some friends of one of Deaner's co-workers. I am sure they will all partake in fish and chips but due to my aversion from anything out of ocean, I'll be sticking to a toasted cheese sandwich, otherwise known as a grilled cheese! I hope everyone has a good day and wish me luck tomorrow!
5 years ago
There is your luggage scale!
Its looking good! Keep your fingers crossed.
Man! What a FABULOUS blog design. Oh wait :)
Have fun in London!
Love LOve Love the new design for the blog!
I need to redo mine but it is slow to get inspiration.
Glad that you had a good trip so far. Have fun and good luck going to London!
Hi! I am going to London next Tuesday! How is the weather? Let me know if you find really fun things to do, I would love any tips you could give me! Thanks so much! Have a great time :)
Cute blog! I came over from Casey's to check it out!
That cabin does look like a carnival inside. I hope you liked yellow :)
Great pics!
Love your new design! Have fun in London and Rome :-)
Hope you are having a great time!!!!
Love the new blog makeover...it looks so good. Have a great time in London...take a picture on the needle.
That's great that the flight went well!!!! I hope you get to go to the London Eye! I loved that thing! I lived there for awhile and I swear..once a month I would get on that thing. Also check out the aquarium. It's right there beside the eye. It's worth checking out.
Love the new layout ... and I'm leaving you an award on my blog in a few minutes!
LOVE your new design! So glad you made it safely to England!
Have a great time site seeing in London!
Love love love it!! Wish I knew how to do all of this!!
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