This post is going to be lots of really random stuff! This weekend has been lowkey and pretty pleasant! Friday night we went and ate at one of my favorite restaurants in Wiesbaden, Vapiano. They have the most delicious pizza and pasta and Deaner and I enjoyed a few beers as well. Afterwards we stopped by the little grocery store called Tengelmann's to pick up a few things. I mentioned before that I really liked the white asperagus soup that Deaner has been eating a lot of and I finally saw what white asperagus looks like. I found a great looking recipe that looked really easy but too bad that it won't be in season by the time we get to move into our new place. Apparently the season ends at the end of June. After looking at it up close, I'm not so sure I would have made the soup anyways.....
Hmmm, that's what I thought also. :) On our way home from dinner we walked through the shopping area just glancing in windows. I'd have to give the Germans props for having VERY realistic looking mannaquins in their store fronts....
Enough said. Saturday we went to the commissary and bought enough food to feed an army. Jon and Steph offered to let us cook dinner at their apartment since they are still out of town. We decided to create ourselves a Mexican fiesta! Most things went very well and there were only a few hitches. First hitch, there was no pitcher to mix our margaritas. We improvised.
Yes, that is a watering can and the truth is, it probably worked better than a pitcher would have! The second problem came when Deaner attempted to make guacamole. Unfortunately I'm thinking that the avacados weren't ripe enough. If you are wondering how I deduced this, please note the YELLOW color of the finished product!
I couldn't even PRETEND that it was good because it was NASTY!!
Tonight we went to one of my favorite restaurants, Restaurant Bolognia. It is the same place that Deaner gets the white asperagus soup. I swear next time I am getting it for myself! Unfortunately my husband has a bit of a bad habit and sometimes he doesn't read the description of what he is ordering. Last time this occurred he ended up with this.SICK! It had ham, EGGS, and PINEAPPLE on it! He hated it (even though I'm pretty sure he ate the majority of it!) Tonight he ordered something I had never heard of again and this is what came out to him.
Another pizza with a HUGE egg and egg yolk in the middle! Gross! This is his problem though I would say. He has got to start reading the menu more closely or else I can't feel sorry for him! Again, it isn't like he didn't eat the whole thing! Plus a piece of mine! One the way home (which I might add is a very busy street) I saw this.
That's right. Just two ducks chilling on the side of the road. No pond or lake anywhere to be seen. A bit odd.
Anyways, I hope that everyone had a good weekend!! Happy Mother's Day to all those mom's out there in the world! I was able to talk to my mom yesterday and I left her a message this morning on her cell phone (I didn't think she would appreciate being woken up at 6:00am). I have been pretty homesick today not being able to be home with my mom! Tomorrow I have laundry on my list of things to do and then it is definitely back to the gym! I am picking the winner of the giveaway on Tuesday!! Don't forget to enter here!!
5 years ago
I agree about white asparagus - it looks gross, but it's sooo tasy :-) I wish I could find it around here! And the watering can margaritas are too funny!
It seems as they have a white asparagus festival around here every weekend. Guess I should get my butt in gear and actually go!
Nice nips on the mannequin...awkward.
I like the makeshift pitcher! Awesome!
Your Mom appreciated NOT being woken up at 6:00AM but DID appreciate the sweet voice mail.
Loved the margarita pitcher!
Thanks for stopping by my site - enjoy your day!
I loved that you used the watering can! That's great!
Seriously dying laughing :)
My father still does things like that at home. but the worst was when we were little. He would eat our Pizza and then tell mom how horrible it was and how he did not want it. His dinner was on the shelf below every single time. He just ate ours instead.
The manaquin is just odd.
I love the asparagus thingy but oo bad I am not over there to try that soup. Sounds delicious.
Love reading your stuff...
Those pizzas are funny :) there is one at a restaurant here that is called "American Style" and it has jalapenos, fried eggs, anchovies, and ham I think. I'm like, seriously? that is NOT American Style.
Can you get us all a recipe for the white asparagus soup? That would be great to try - IF we can find white asparagus in the States.
I think that using that watering can was very witty of you! What a smart idea. And that Guac looks yuck!
I laughed while reading your entire post!! I love following your german adventures! I just wish I was there too!! I love it over there! Oh and tengelmanns is the best, isn't it. Deaner is brave to keep getting that soup though! I don't like asparagus, esp white ones!
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