Look at my cute new bag from L.L. Bean that I got for traveling! Isn't it great? I was really happy with the way that it turned out! I have been traveling with my Vera Bradley duffel since we have been here and while I love the way that it looks, it sucks to carry onto an airplane! The straps were too long and have absolutely no padding. Since checking a bag to travel on Ryan Air is proving to be too much for our budget I decided to buy myself the same bag that I bought Deaner for Christmas. It is the perfect size for Ryan Air travel and since it is a duffel it doesn't weigh too much. I would definitely prefer a rolly bag but since they weigh like 3 or 4 pounds themselves, they are out. When you have a 22 pound packing budget, you have to make it work with you! This bag has a removable shoulder strap that has a big padded part on it so I can carry it across my chest as well as over my shoulder. I hear these bags last forever and since it was only $39.99 (plus $6.00 for the monogram) I think they are a pretty good deal!
I forgot to respond to one of my commenters the other day and I have been meaning to ever since! A friend of mine from high school over at The Wynns asked me if there was a SWING in one of the guest bedrooms of our new house. Here is the picture I posted a few days ago.The answer is quite simple. Yes, it is a swing! Do not ask me why this is here but my guess is that is was for their children. I'm afraid to say but I am pretty sure that we are going to have to take this down! I just don't see the need for a SWING in what would be our main guest bedroom! Ha ha ha!
So I have decided that I am going to start doing a weight circuit with Deaner at the gym. I am sort of surprised that my arms aren't about to fall off after our workout last night. We will see how long this lasts! On a funny note, I saw a girl on the elliptical yesterday and she had her purse swung over her shoulder. Just like she would if she was walking down the street. Except she was working out. Odd. No more odd I suppose than the lady that roller skated by me today while I was waiting at the shuttle stop. No roller blades, just old school roller skates and a bright orange backpack. Hmmmmm.
Does anyone watch The Amazing Race? It is one of Deaner's favorite shows and I have to admit that I like it a lot too. Two nights ago I had a dream that we were on the show.......and I had forgotten to wear pants. YIKES! I thought only children had dreams like that! I was SO embarrassed in my dream but there was nothing I could do but keep racing....with no pants!
Tonight Deaner and I are having dinner with that couple I wrote about a few days ago. They are supposedly buying a condo in the building that we almost bought in. I'm dying to hear their stories about this architect. It will be nice just to have dinner with someone as well! I wish I didn't have to go to the gym first! I just painted my toe nails and I don't want to put on socks and shoes and ruin them! I found out today that the little beauty shop in the hotel lobby does pedicures so I went downstairs earlier to check it out. At 24 euro I decided to pass! That is almost $35. The lady informed me that this does INCLUDE polish. Well great! What kind of PEDICURE doesn't include the polish!? I'm sure I will break down soon but not today! Hope everyone has a happy hump day!
5 years ago
Okay the swing is totally weird haha. I love your LL Bean bag though, so cute and practical!
Oooooh I love the new bag!
I HOPE that swing was for the kids...or maybe that is what the previous owners said..."Oh, the swing? err..umm...yeah it's for the kids."
"But you guys don't have any kids."
"Umm...we babysit sometimes."
sure... :)
Love Amazing Race! Although, after traveling and getting lost a few times, I decided we could never go on the show. Way to stressful.
Ahh, German pedicures. It might include polish, but probably not a soak in a tub of water or anything else. 24 euro actually isn't bad for here, but I'm with ya- it's not worth it. When I go home I get one every week!
That's a really cute bad! I have a ton of Vera Bradley so let me know if this bag works better
i want a swing in my house. now. i think that would just make my days better.
i also want to link to your blog. cool?
nicole (self) white
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