It has been brought to my attention by an avid blog follower (my dad) that in the hub bub of excitement waiting for baby Evans to arrive in the next couple of weeks that I have severely neglected one of my most commonly anticipated events of the year. How could I even overlook the fact that besides the birth of my first son in approximately 33 days that College Football Kickoff will most definitely take place in a matter of 43 days. How is that for a constant? I might not know when Evans will arrive but by God, kickoff WILL occur in 43 days. This is big deal for us here in the Deaner household and I am sure that in the years to come, Evans will realize that this is nothing to mess around with. Normally the weeping starts around the second week of January because really, it IS hard to live all summer without football. The anticipation builds all summer but when we hit the 100 days til kickoff mark it is game time. This year my ever enlarging belly, back pains and sleepless nights have preoccupied me and I have let it slip to 43 days before shaking myself out of this fog and getting a grip on reality! I suppose this could be looked at as a blessing! No matter when Evans arrives, Kickoff (yes, it does warrant a capitalization) will occur on September 4th and I intend to be ready. Should my son make his appearance in time (and my god, he better) let's talk about something really important, like what he should wear! I am thinking that it will probably be a three costume change day as I don't want him showing any favoritism so early on in life. First we have the Ole Miss selection, which I am sort of concerned won't fit him right away.
Unless of course he continues to grow at super sonic speed. The only upside to having a 10 pound baby is that he can wear his football gear right away! We will have to choose one outfit from this genre.....
Again, I am infuriated by this picture not turning the right way but I don't know why it is doing it. I am pretty sure this white one will fit him right away. The red jacket was mine as a child and he will have to be a few years old before that will fit. And last but certainly not least, one of these.
I realize that we are a bit lacking in the UVA department. Daddy is not going to be happy about this. It is by far Evans' nicest jersey but considering it is a 2T I'm not sure how that is going to work out. There is NO upside to having a baby THAT big! I know that the orange shirt is for basketball, which we don't really give a hoot about, BUT the shirt is for a newborn and it just so happens that it was also mine as a baby. How cute is that? Anyways, if Evans graces us with his presence for college football kickoff 2010 than he will be well dressed. I can hardly wait for the season to begin, and of course to meet my baby!
Yesterday went to hell in a hand basket shortly after I posted about my boring day. The Crossfire broke down AGAIN on Deaner's way home from work and I had to go pick him up. I am so sick of dealing with this car that I could scream. And let's be honest, Deaner is the one dealing with it, not me. But here I am stuck in the house again today with no car! A part has been ordered that again, may or may not fix it, but I am double crossing my fingers and I would appreciate if y'all did too! My dinner ended up really great even though I was totally rushed through my prep time having to have gone to pick up the stranded man. Here are a few shots of it. Thanks to New Girl on Post for her ideas!!It was really good and it will probably be added to the weekly rotation. It was super easy to make but all that chopping was a little tedious! We have no huge weekend plans. Steph and Jon are coming to cookout tomorrow night and hopefully by then the Commissary will have some better steak selections! I hope that everyone has a really good weekend!! Go Rebs, go Cavs and go Dawgs! :)
5 years ago
Excellent post. I remember that little red jacket as it came from your uncle's jacket factory and featured an unlicensed Bulldog logo. I also remember you wearing it one day on spring vacation at the Gulf when you went along while I played golf. It was raining lightly, and I was playing horribly. I duck-hooked one into the swamp, cursed, and you, at maybe age 2 1/2, said, "you hit that shot like an ass." "What did you say, I demanded?!?" You looked briefly puzzled as though you were re-analyzing what you had said to figure out where the error was, then you brightened as you thought it through and corrected yourself, "You hit that shot like an ass-hole!" I heartily agreed but insisted that this conversation not be repeated at home.
loved the post! We, too, are counting down 'til Kickoff! :)
Looks like grannie needs to stock up on UVA outfits........!!!
Yay football! I personally love the Georgia gear! :) He is going to look precious in red and black!
Go Dawgs!! Maybe a couple more GEORGIA shirts??
Where did you get the ole miss romper(the red/white striped one)?? Love it!!! My little man needs that:)
So glad Fred has reminded you of the really important things in life - KICKOFF! I do anxiously await Evans' arrival but football is the lifeblood. Evans will quickly learn to appreciate why there is fall and difference in GA red, Ole Miss red and Bama Crimson.
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