So, today my mom had to go out with her decorator and I had to hang out by myself with Evans. Waaaaaaaa. Anyways, Evans and I had lunch and then went to a particular Publix because it is the only one for some reason that carries this certain bottle of wine I like (don't read into this, it's cheap). I also had to buy diapers so my cart looked a bit like a crazed mother. As I was putting my purchases up on the counter and the checkout person was scanning them, she asked to see my I.D. for the wine. They always do this at the grocery store so no big deal but after I showed it to her the big fat old man behind me piped up. He said "can you believe they still card US in the grocery store even though it is so obvious how old WE are"? I capitalized the key words in his question. I looked at him and upon noticing that he was MUCH older than me I was left a bit speechless. He THEN said, with no encouragement, "I mean, I have been carded more since I turned 55 than I ever have in my whole life". Huh. Well buddy, you might be 55 years old and have grey hair but I am only (just) 31 with professionally highlighted hair and I like to think that I was carded on the off chance that I looked 28, 28 being the age they have to card you if you look under. I didn't even know what to say so I just laughed and said "well I am only 10 years over the legal age". Not 24 years over like you. Maybe I need a face lift. :)
The picture above is from Evans' first trip to Burt's Pumpkin Patch on Friday with our friends Katie and Ana Kathryn. Y'all might remember Ana Kathryn from her cake eating abilities at Evans' birthday party back in August.Evans loves her and Katie and I have been friends since kindergarten ever since I accidently invited her to my birthday party thinking she was another Katie I knew. Thank god I made that mistake! We headed up to Burt's on Friday early morning to get there before the crowds and thank goodness we did. I've never seen so many pumpkins before in my life.
The kids, as you can see, had a really great time and didn't cry at all.....
And were completely cooperative and posed for the camera every time we asked them to!
Evans even knows how to "appear" to be standing up alone, but don't worry, he definitely cannot do that yet.
Instead we now have a pair of khaki pants that are completely stained from the red mulch. Evans and Ana Kathryn's two highlights from the day were first, not playing with all these 398472384 giant pumpkins, but playing with this miniature gourd...
Which Ana Kathryn really thought was a telephone and would put it up to her ear to talk (see, Evans likes to give the illusion that he can stand all on his own but his butt was definitely sitting on that pumpkin). Secondly, they really loved splashing in the rainwater that had collected in the tops of all the pumpkins. This kept them nice, clean and dry.
Katie managed to get a couple of cute ones of Evans in the wheelbarrow before he started to think I was abandoning him there.
And we even managed to take a hayride without an incidents! Even if Evans did look a little nervous about actually touching the hay.
It was a great day and we had beautiful weather. I've heard some people complain about the crowds at Burt's so I would suggest going early and on a weekday if possible because we had a great experience and will probably go back again next year. I won't tell y'all which child but someone did have to wear home the spare pair of pants that I brought along just in case! I'd say that the day was a success!
Evans seconds that...
5 years ago
Sarah, I think Evans gets up at night and walks around the house! He probably checks on you and then looks for places to hide or dispose of his new sneakers! Glad ya'll had a fun day. Is that Katie Card??? Her daughter is precious!
Sarah, that is a great post! I had fun reading it! Ana Kathryn's clothes are still soaking in oxyclean. Not sure if we will ever get the red mulch stains out. We had so much fun and can't wait to do it again next year!
Love it..........need to start that book.......Pictures were great!
I love reading your posts and have been following for a long time now (commented a few times in the past). They always make me laugh. I love your sense of humour.
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