I know I don't normally use the words "alive" and "well" in the same sentence but this week they happen to both be true! Evans and I are both back to 100% and have made the trek across the ocean. A ten hour flight with an 18 month old was daunting at best but once again, Evans surprised me with his awesome behavior. We were lucky enough to get two seats together so I was able to block him in against the window. The only minor hiccup we had was that Evans cried/screamed for about 20 minutes before falling asleep for the rest of the flight. While in hindsight, this was no big deal when I think about what could have possibly been, it is totally unnerving to have a screaming child when you are trapped inside the cabin in an airplane. You can almost feel the glares and hear the thoughts of other passengers as they wish you evil things hoping that you don't come anywhere near them. Thankfully it didn't last long and it was nothing that a little Curious George didn't cure. We were the first stroller off the plane, there were no other flights at customs and our luggage was already on the belt at baggage claim. I doubt that I need to point out that this is not what normally happens to us. As another stroke of massive luck an airport employee offered to help me push my cart in perfect English! I did not expect to find an American wearing his security badges on a Nascar string but I was grateful none the less. Deaner was waiting for us outside of security and the rest was free sailing! Evans and I both got to take a 4 hour nap and it was the best that I have ever done with jet lag on this side of the ocean. Evans had some issues but we are all back to normal now. In fact, I don't want to jinx myself but Evans has been sleeping great and last night logged 14 hours! Probably all the running around we have been doing. Since we have been back we have been meeting Deaner for lunch during the week. Evans fit right in at the Brauhaus Kastel.
He even preferred the German menu over the English. We have spent a lot of time down by the river just letting him run around. Of course this could get old once spring fully arrives and it is somewhat crowded down here.
We wave and say "bye bye" to every plane that flies overhead.
We have attempted to play tee ball. I thought this would be a great idea if Evans loved it because he could hit the ball, go pick it up himself and do it again. Not exactly how it happened and it's become almost glaringly clear that he is a lefty despite how I was trying to teach him.
Sometimes the ground down at the wine stand can be a little uneven and E is still getting used to that. I wish this picture wasn't blurry because it makes me laugh.
It also makes me laugh that Evans wants to wear this hat no matter where we go no matter if we are in the warm indoors. He takes it off occasionally and doesn't know how to put it back on which causes me to hear "mama mama mama mama mama" until I let him wear it again.
And lastly Evans has greatly enjoyed the luxury of having a DVD player in the car. For the child that loves TV what could be better than getting to watch it every time we get into the car? Personally, I'm about to break the Toy Story 3 DVD because I am so sick of hearing it without seeing a picture. I think we might practice with the headphones soon.
Will I ever get to listen to anything I want to again? Doubtful. All and all it has been a pretty good first week and a half back. I haven't been on the computer much it takes a lot to keep Evans on one floor at our house. We have gates galore but there is one weak link and I'm pretty sure he routinely uses it. The blockade of toys lasted about a week but now he is on me. I will try and post again when I have something fun to say. We have a lot of traveling coming up and that could either be great or a disaster. You just never know! Happy Monday.......
5 years ago
Missing my baby!!!
love it. that hat is a riot. and no, you will not get to listen to regular music again. ever. unless it's on your ipod via headphones. sigh. miss you! xoxo
What a great update! glad everything is looking good.
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