Jiggity jig!!! We made it to Atlanta safely! I was pretty nervous to be flying with Evans for the first time without Deaner but everything went smoothly. We flew home with my inlaws and Evans and I had the bulkhead seats with plenty of room. Would you believe that Evans didn't make a peep the entire flight? Seriously, the kid was perfect. He smiled, laughed and slept. All the flight attendants fawned all over him and things could not have gone more smoothly. Evans of course had all his worshippers waiting on him in Atlanta! We had a constant stream of visitors yesterday to pay a visit to the little Prince! First his great aunt and Godmother, Jennifer, Uncle Thomas and cousin baby Thomas came over.Baby Thomas wasn't exactly sure what to make of Evans. Mainly he was just upset that Evans got a binky and he didn't!
Aunt Amelia could hardly wait to get her hands on him either. So far she has only been able to see him on Skype!
Our good family friend's, the Edwards, stopped by for a visit.
Followed by Evans' Gleaton cousins!!Everyone seemed really happy to meet him! Today promises more visitors and more cuteness by Evans. We had a semi rough night but I suppose that is to be expected when you bring a 3 month old half way across the world. Evans was up several times last night but I am hoping he will become more adjusted today. We have skyped with Daddy already twice and I know that he is REALLY missing his baby boy. Thank goodness for Skype. Alrighty, time to hit up the grocery store and stock up on formula! We are happy to be home!! Maybe now I will have more time to blog!! Happy Sunday!
5 years ago
You have such a good baby! I won't even dare to fly home to New Orleans with James. Ha! I can't wait for the two little guys to meet each other. I'm excited to see you and wish that you lived here permanently! Glad the flight went well. See you soon. Love you!- nelly
Glad the flight went well. I know you are glad to see all your family and friends. I hope you have a good visit and enjoy all the helping hands!
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