I could hardly keep from posting this picture on Facebook over the weekend but I told myself it would be worth it to save for a beginning of the week blog. I have treated myself to several private viewings over the course of the weekend and I have to admit that I have laughed whole heartedly each and very time. Is that mean? Does anyone else ever find themselves in a predicament where their husbands are forced into doing something that is so comical yet not entirely appropriate to laugh at?
Deaner took the prize this weekend when we decided to hit up the Exchange about an hour from our house. After being cooped up in our house all day on Saturday we put on our brave faces and forged into the snowy weather to Ramstein. After a canceled trip to Paris and a last minute decision not to join friends at the aquarium in Koln (snow, ice and subarctic temperatures do not mix well with hobbling slowly on crutches) we were bored out of our minds so we headed to the bigger, better American base for some shopping, a movie and a dinner at Macaroni Grill. Unfortunately for Deaner that mean navigating the GIANT PX on the base. When we first got there D and I joked about the Rascals that were lined up in the front of the store, plugged in the wall juicing up, just waiting to be ridden around. He denied the need for one but I knew it was just a matter of time before he broke down. I have been on crutches myself (albeit normal lazy American ones that you can lean all your weight on) and I knew he would be uncomfortable within 15 minutes. I just had to bide my time and wait for him to breakdown.
When he finally did, you better believe I had my phone ready to snap the picture. I could not stop laughing but I didn't feel super bad because Deaner was cracking up too.
Please feel free to laugh out loud. Deaner's Rascal came complete with a storage space for his "sticks" (as Evans refers to the crutches). He was definitely the youngest and thinnest person riding around the PX on one of these. :) Evans got to enjoy his first ice cream cone this weekend too. This child has always rejected anything cold and has never showed any interest in ice cream AT ALL. Then, just like that, on Sunday he started asking us over and over for ice cream. I think he saw it on TV or in one of the games he plays but he acted like an old pro when we let him have some.
He also did really well in his first movie. The last twenty minutes or so he started to get antsy but he hadn't taken a nap and it was dinner time. We have been having a rough time at night lately with E and him not wanting to go to sleep. I know we are still adjusting from being in the States but I'm pretty much over it and the sound of his screams at night are very tiring. Anyways.
It has pretty much snowed every day in the past week. I'm not much of a snow person but Evans and Deaner have had a good time with it.
Evans got quite a kick out of throwing the snowballs that Daddy made for him at me, on the other side of the glass door.
They even built Mama a little snowman.
Got to love long weekends. I'm already waiting for Presidents Day. Perhaps everyone in our house will be healthy, walking and sleeping again by then and we can take another shot at Paris. Today will be spent trying to work my way to the bottom of the dirty laundry pile (while will no doubt take longer than today) and picking up the 32984039 hot wheels, matchbox cars and Thomas trains that cover my entire first floor right now. Since Evans just looked at me and said "night night Mama" we are off for nap time, praying again about that screaming issue. Happy Tuesday!
5 years ago
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