Well, not really "manic", but that was the song that was on the radio this morning when the alarm went off for Deaner to go to work! Pretty appropriate I thought! So the rest of the weekend was pretty low key! I know I posted about our shower drama yesterday but that was about as dramatic as it got this past weekend! We had dinner with Steph and Jon on Friday evening at a cute little restaurant downtown. Afterwards we headed to an Irish Pub called Scrooges for a few beers. It is always fun getting together with S&J! Saturday late morning we headed to the nearby town of Biebrich for lunch. We were hoping to eat at our pseudo mexican restaurant so we were disappointed to find out it wasn't open for lunch on Saturdays. Only on Sundays. Does this make ANY sense at all? I didn't think so. We did find another pretty good Greek restaurant and enjoyed some Greek pizza. We stopped on the way home from lunch and rented some movies at the PX. When we got home Deaner decided that it was necessary to set up our new television just to make sure it worked. I guess this was a good idea since there is only a 30 day warranty and it would have been a real bummer if something had been wrong with it! Anyways, nothing was wrong and Deaner enjoyed getting to watch his movies on this big screen TV!! Saturday evening we ate at a restaurant down the street and got to eat Spargel Soup one more time! It was supposed to go out of season last weekend but lucky for us, this restaurant still had fresh Spargel! Saturday night we just hung out and watched several episodes of True Blood. I am currently reading these books and LOVE them so I just purchased the first season from itunes. We are already on the 7th show of 13!
Sunday was another lazy lazy day. My husband really stepped up to the plate and took me to see the new HANNAH MONTANA movie! I was sort of just kidding about wanting to see it but when we went to return the rented movies yesterday afternoon, he asked if I wanted to go since it was starting in 20 minutes on the base. Of course I jumped on it! I know he was embarrassed to go, especially when our friend's 12 year old daughter saw us and started calling out to Deaner! HA HA HA! He was a good sport though and even admitted to thinking that the movie "wasn't bad". I thought it was really cute! How quickly one lowers their standards when there is only ONE movie choice at a time!! :)
So that was our boring weekend in a nutshell. Maintenance came up to our room this morning and fixed the clogged drain. FINALLY. Deaner picked me up around 10 this morning and we went to the base to have a special power of attorney affidavit notarized for the closing on our condo on Thursday! I'm so relieved that this condo is going to sell and that we are going to be done with it. I am nauseated that we are going to have to write such a large check in order to get out of it but it is better than us owning it for the next 6 months! Real estate is stressful!!
Anyways, I am off to put our laundry into the dyer. Such is my life! I need to do some cleaning of our hotel room but it just gets messy again so fast! Hope everyone has a great day!
5 years ago
Sounds like a fun weekend! And that is so cute that he took you to the Hannah Montana movie :-) Have fun doing laundry!
So glad you're liking True Blood! I need to get back into the books. I'm only half way through the 4th.
Gotta love having only one movie to choose from. And not only that, but a movie that came out months ago. Ah, the joys of living overseas.
Aw! That's an awesome husband to take you to see Hannah Montana. Too cute.
PS I love that song!
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